There are, currently, two wrappers. The first is used to generate random Bernoulli networks. The second is used to optimize modularity. Both are highly experimental and should probably not be trusted too much.

Null models

The nullmodel wrapper allows to rapidly generate Bernoulli trials given a probability matrix. If julia is working on several cores (julia -p 10 for 10 cores), the replications will be done in parallel.

This function will return only networks in which every species has a degree of at least one. For this reason,

  1. The number of replicates to run to get a large enough sample size may be large
  2. The resulting sample may be biased -- this is a problem we are currently solving, but that is shared by all random matrices generators

The nullmodel wrapper takes two keyword arguments, n and max, that are respectively the number of networks to generate, and the maximal number of trials. If the number of suitable samples is less than n, the wrapper will issue a warning.

Calling the wrapper is done with:

# Read a 0/1 matrix
interactions = readdlm("int.dat")

# Transform into a template probability matrix using null model 2
A = null2(interactions)

# Start the wrapper
M = nullmodel(A, n=1000, max=10000)

# Print the average nestedness
nest = map(x -> nestedness(x)[1], M)


Coming soon.