Loading the package

Simply use

using ProbabilisticNetwork

Depending on your version of julia, there may be a few warnings (especially if you use the nightlies version). This is not an issue, since these are only deprecation warning when syntax for the stable is still supported, but deprecated. When julia moves to 0.4 as the current release, these will be fixed accordingly.


The package comes with full documentation, so typing ?functionname will display its docstring. For example, ?centrality_katz returns

help?> centrality_katz
search: centrality_katz

centrality_katz (generic function with 1 method)


ProbabilisticNetwork.centrality_katz(A::Array{Float64, 2})

  Measures Katz's centrality for each node in a unipartite network.

  Keyword arguments

  - a (def. 0.1), the weight of each subsequent connection
  - k (def. 5), the maximal path length considered

  source: (10,"~/.julia/v0.4/ProbabilisticNetwork/src/./centrality.jl")

To get a list of all functions, you can either type ProbabilisticNetwork. and press Tab, or have a look at the automated documentation file.

Overview and coding conventions

The ProbabilisticNetwork package provides a series of functions to manipulate probabilistic (ecological) networks, and measure their structure. As much as possible, functions are named after the name of the measure they implement: connectance measures connectance. When an analytical expression of variance can be measured, the function is suffixed with _var. For example, connectance_var is the variance of connectance.

All functions in the module take as their first argument a matrix A, whose elements are all floating point numbers between 0 and 1. The type of A is always A::Array{Float64, 2} (a two-dimensional array of floats). If required, additional arguments are given as keyword arguments.