Null models

~~~@setup enet using EcologicalNetwork

`EcologicalNetwork` offers a number of ways to draw random binary networks
from a template of probabilities. This is useful to generate networks under
a null model, for example. All these functions will respect the fact that
the network in bipartite or unipartite.

## Creating a deterministic network from a probabilistic network

There are a number of ways to generate a deterministic network from a
probabilistic one. All of these functions take a network on a class belonging
to `ProbabilisticNetwork`, and return a network of a class belonging to

### Convert to deterministic

The first is simply to assing `true` to all interactions
with a non-0 probability, and `false` to the others. This is done with the
`make_binary` function:

~~~@example enet
N = UnipartiteProbaNetwork(eye(3))
B = make_binary(N)

~~~@docs make_binary

### Using a threshold

The second way is to determine a cutoff for probabilities, below which they
will be assigned `false`. This is done through `make_threshold`:

~~~@example enet
N = UnipartiteProbaNetwork(rand((4, 4)))
B = make_threshold(N, 0.5)

~~~@docs make_threshold

### Random draws

The last way to convert a probabilistic network to a deterministic one is
to perform one random draw for each interaction. In this scenario, `true` is
assigned with a probability $P_{ij}$. This is done with the `make_bernoulli`

~~~@example enet
N = BipartiteProbaNetwork(rand((4, 4)))
B = make_bernoulli(N)

~~~@docs make_bernoulli

## Creating a probabilistic network from a deterministic network

The inverse operation can be done using the `nullX` functions. These functions
use informations about the degree distribution to generate probabilistic


For an example:

~~~@example enet N = make_bernoulli(BipartiteProbaNetwork(rand(3, 5))) null2(N).A

## Null model wrapper

`EcologicalNetwork` has a wrapper to generate an arbitrary number of Bernoulli
networks from a probability matrix. This approach is encourage over simply
generating your own networks, because the wrapper will make sure that all
networks have no species without any interactions. This ensures that the
networks have the same size.

For example, we can generate a hundred replicates from the `stony` food web
dataset, using the type 2 model:

~~~@example enet
template = null2(stony())

# Generate up to 100 networks
N = nullmodel(template, n=100, max=1000)

# Average connectance
mean(map(connectance, N))

It must be noted that the number of networks returned by nullmodel may be lower than the requested number of networks. This is because of the constraint on the fact that no species can end up without interactions. When this constrained is enforced, some networks have very low success rates. This can be measured using the species_is_free function:

~~~@example enet template = null2(mcmullen())

Probability that every species has at least one interaction

at_least_one = 1.-species_is_free(make_unipartite(template))

Probability that a randomized network has no unconnected species

