
There are a number of modularity-related functions in EcologicalNetworks. The optimal modularity structure is detected by optimizing $Q$, which returns values increasingly close to unity when the modular structure is strong. The $Q_r$ measure is also included for a posteriori evaluation of the modularity.


The object returned by all modularity detection functions has the type Partition.

~~~@docs Partition

## Measures of modularity


In addition, there is a measure of realized modularity:

~~~@docs Qr

## Functions for modularity detection

The first function included is `label_propagation`, which is working well for
large graphs. It can also be useful to generate an initial modular partition.


For larger graphs (as long as they are not probabilistic), there is the louvain function. It is not the most aggressively optimized implementation.

~~~@docs louvain

## Analyze modularity


Select the best partition

~~~@docs best_partition ~~~