Measuring the modularity

In this example, we will use label_propagation to optimize the modularity of a network. The data are from the mcmullen dataset.

~~~@example modularity using EcologicalNetwork

Get the data in an object

N = mcmullen();

The next step is to generate starting communities for every species. We will
assign species to random initial modules:

~~~@example modularity
L = rand(1:richness(N), richness(N));

We can now start a repeated number of attempts to find the best partition, here using label_propagation. If julia is started in parallel, this will use all assigned CPUs.

~~~@example modularity M = modularity(N, L, label_propagation, replicates=100);

Finally, we can get the best partition

b_part = best_partition(M);

And print its modularity and number of modules

println("Q: ", round(b_part[1].Q, 2), " |c|: ", length(unique(b_part[1].L)) ) ~~~